House of the Rising Horn

Rites of the House

House Rising Horn, as a fae House that grew from commoner fae whose main concern was hospitality, has a number of different rites and ritual practices that they observes both in times of war and times of peaces; some of the main rites currently in use by the House are listed below.

The Trimming of Hooves

Before going into battle or on a life threatening mission, members of the House of the Rising Horn ritually trim their hooves to allow for the best manoeuvrability and to provide their family with remains in case they die.

Rite of Open House

This rite is intended for the making of new friends, and to introduce people to the ways of the Horned one; it involves the House throwing open their doors and offering hospitality to all who enter their abode and do not bring violence with them. However, such hospitality is a two way street, guests will be defended should someone attack them, however, they are also expected (as a sign of respect) to aid in said defence; members of the House take a dim view of any violent grievances being bought into the House and will ask both parties to leave the area, settle their dispute and come back.

Butting Horns

When two members of the House come to a dispute it is settled by ritual head-butting; since most fae of the House have sturdy horns, members are rarely hurt during these exchanges and so the butting of horns has also been adopted as a sign of celebration and triumph.

The Send Off

During this rite, a fallen hero of the House of the Rising Horn is given a farewell to ensure a safe journey to the place of honoured dead, from where they can provide guidance to the House in times of crisis; the rite culminates either with skull of the deceased (if it is possessed) or the hoof trimmings of the honoured dead being placed amongst the bones and skulls of the ancestors with great ceremony and celebration. The rite is a raucous celebration of their life, where close friends of the fallen take on the rolls of the Gate-Keepers, and other guests bargain with them (listing the dead person accomplishments and deeds) to allow their friend access to the afterlife.